Creating ripples
We are ripples of consciousness of the vast ocean of consciousness. If we get agitated and become part of the reactionary and vitriolic behavior sometimes around us, we will only add to the disturbance. ―Deepak Chopra
👥 Serves: 1 person, 11-25 people, 2-10 people, 26-40 people, 41+ people
🎚 Difficulty: Medium
⏳ Total time: 11-30 minutes
🥣 Ingredients: A quiet place with no distractions
🤓 Wholebeing Domains: Awareness, Community, Positive Emotion, Radical Care
💪 Wholebeing Skills: Compassion, Contemplation, Giving, Happiness, Hope, Love, Reflection, Relating to Others

Creating ripples
📝 Description
Spreading ripples of love, hope, and happiness.
Research shows that social relationships play a huge role in fostering happiness and flourishing. In fact, your friend’s friend’s friends can impact your happiness and wellbeing even if you never meet them. Similarly, you impact the happiness and wellbeing of people you will never meet. So have you considered what energy you bring into the world? What are the ripples you are creating? This activity invites you to become more intentional about the ripples you send out to the world. Choose any of the three options below as a refl-action to invoke feelings of love, learning, ownership, freedom, and social hope. The following recipe has been inspired by a mindfulness meditation practice that we experienced during the Virtual Wellbeing Retreat organised by The Wellbeing Project for its Ecosystem Network members in May 2020.
👣 Options
Option 1 – Reflect on the harm inflicted (5’)
Reflect on a harmful or offensive act – no matter how small – that you may have inflicted upon someone in the last few months. Consider what path you may want to pursue to regenerate positive feelings. If you wish, you may even consider using this time to communicate with the person.
Option 2 – Express gratitude to others (5’)
Bring to your mindspace one person who has been really supportive of you during the last few months; perhaps they helped you see through troubled times or helped you gain a new insight. You have not yet connected back to them with love. Consider if you may want to – you may even wish to send them a loving gratitude message to the person sharing why they were so special in that moment.
Option 3 – Reach out to others (5’)
Is there somebody you have been meaning to reach out to during these troubled times? Consider how and when you may want to reach out to them. If you wish, you may want to send that person a message to tell them you have been thinking of them hoping they are okay. Send them your love.