Mindful Entrepreneurship: Cultivating Resilience & Avoiding Burnout
Session description
Imagine a traffic conductor in your mind. This person is directing the traffic of your mind, allowing certain things to enter your conscious thoughts, and denying others. When there is minimal stress and/or stimulation, this person’s job is a breeze, and your thoughts feel light, allowing you to feel positive and in control. However, when things get overwhelming and stressful, there is only so much this one person can do before traffic gets into a jam or crashes occur. This sense of “crashing” can be related to the feeling of burnout. Burnout doesn’t just “happen”, and is not cured after a good sleep or even a week off. The root causes are multi-faceted and complex. Do you know the causes of your burnout? Join this short session to map the causes of burnout and access resources to address them and strengthen your resilience. This session will be facilitated by Greta Rossi, co-founder of Recipes for Wellbeing and ChangemakerXchange.
More information
- 💻 Platform: Hubilo
- 💲Cost: Free
- 💌 Sign-up: Here
- 📝 Material: Laptop/PC, reliable and strong Internet connection, headset (to hear you better).