Illustration of a sun surrounded by leaves symbols. © Recipes for Wellbeing

Spring equinox ritual

The earth laughs in flowers. ―Ralph Waldo Emerson

👥 Serves: 1 person

🎚 Difficulty: Hard

⏳ Total time: 11-30 minutes

🥣 Ingredients: 2 candles, 1 match or lighter, 2 sheets of paper, 1 pen, 1 bowl with water, 1 fresh flower

🤓 Wholebeing Domains: Awareness, Discomfortability, Positive Emotion, Ritualising

💪 Wholebeing Skills: Acceptance, Affirmation, Grieving, Journaling, Letting go, Mindfulness, Reframing, Refuge, Resilience, Transcendence

Illustration of a sun surrounded by leaves symbols. © Recipes for Wellbeing
Illustration of a sun surrounded by leaves symbols. © Recipes for Wellbeing

Spring equinox ritual

📝 Description

A short ritual to celebrate the arrival of spring.

This recipe encourages you to pause for a moment to align with the cycles of Nature. It is an invitation to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring with a simple ritual. The spring equinox, or vernal equinox, happens around mid-March in the Northern hemisphere and in mid-September in the Southern hemisphere.

This activity has been inspired by and adapted from Forever Conscious.

👣 Steps

Step 1 – Set up (1’)

Light two candles and place them side by side.

Step 2 – Choose the right platforms (1’)

Read “Spring Equinox” by Agnes Krampe (or another poem on the same theme).

The balance tips toward the light.

Now is the time to start

A journey or a garden bed;

Plant with a happy heart

The seeds of dreams. Wake, senses, wake!

Smell the moist that brings

Forth juicy green from its dark depth.

Hear how the river sings;

The waters nourish and renew.

Feel the gentle balmy breeze

Caress your skin. See sun’s bright light

Awaken grass and trees.

Now taste the joy. And like the earth

You are refreshed and new

And full of energy to plant,

Begin, create, and do.

Step 3 – Journaling prompt 1 (5’)

Take a piece of paper and journal for a few minutes, answering this prompt: What do I wish to leave behind from the winter season coming to an end?

Step 4 – Journaling prompt 2 (5’)

Take another piece of paper and journal for a few minutes, answering this prompt: What seeds do I wish to plant as a new spring season begins?

Step 5 – Intention-setting (1’)

Fold both papers. Hold the first paper in your hand. Close your fist and state your intention out loud. Place the paper into the fire of one candle. Once it begins to burn, drop it in the bowl of water.

Step 6 – Repeat (1’)

Repeat step 5 with the other piece of paper (and the other candle).

Step 7 – Fresh flower (1’)

Take a fresh flower and add it to the bowl of water. Clasp the bowl of water with your two hands and repeat, “Thank you” three times.

Step 8 – Wait 12 hours (12 hours)

Leave the bowl out for 12 hours. Then discard by returning to Nature if you can. Happy spring equinox!

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