Alessia Cervone
Alessia Cervone is the co-founder of Recipes for Wellbeing. She is a facilitator for ChangemakerXchange and she is the co-founder of euforia, a Swiss-based social innovation business using transformative learning methods to empower people and organisations to embark on their own changemaking journey. Alessia’s superpowers are design and facilitation, people empowerment and helping teams to establish new ways of working. She has designed and led transformative learning experiences for thousands of people all over the world. Since 2023 Alessia is leading a project aimed at improving wholebeing at work for 20’000 civil servants in Geneva, Switzerland. Alessia holds an MA in Globalisation and Multinational Corporations from SOAS in London and is a certified Prosci change management practitioner. In her free time Alessia loves good food, good waves, and dancing!