Workplace wellbeing assessment
Executives must place a priority on wellbeing if they want to attract the right people, keep their best people, and drive their company’s financial performance. ―Chief People Officer, Lazada Group
👥 Serves: 11-25 people, 2-10 people, 26-40 people, 41+ people
🎚 Difficulty: Hard
⏳ Total time: Ongoing
🥣 Ingredients: Your team
🤓 Wholebeing Domains: Liberatory Learning
💪 Wholebeing Skills: Accountability, Challenging, Feedback, Reflection, Sense-making

Workplace wellbeing assessment
📝 Description
A checklist for setting the foundation for a workplace wellbeing programme.
Your existing workplace environment (e.g. infrastructure, policies, and procedures) will play a part in the kinds of activities chosen for inclusion in a wellbeing programme. There will be areas within the physical environment that make it easy to conduct particular activities. For example, a multi-story building may provide an opportunity for a “take the stairs” programme, or the existence of shower facilities may make it easier to promote a “bike to work” initiative.
On the other hand, the absence of these characteristics may make it difficult to include all suggested activities generated from employee surveys. For example, if a large number of workers showed an interest in a “bike to work” initiative or a “lunchtime walk/run”, the existence of bike racks, a shower and changing room facilities become important elements in the decision making process. Without these, such initiatives become impractical. Remember to consult with your workers to identify their preferred physical activities and once you have done this, strike a balance between their preferences and what is practical in your physical environment.
To assist in the evaluation of your workplace, a “workplace audit” can be conducted. It will assist you in identifying existing levels of support, along with barriers that might exist in the workplace’s physical infrastructure, policies, or general procedures. This recipe has been inspired by the guidelines offered by the Environment and Workplace Protection Division of Access Canberra.
If you already have a workplace wellbeing programme in place and wish to evaluate it, check out our recipe “Workplace wellbeing programme evaluation”.
👣 Steps
Step 1 – A checklist for setting the foundation
- Do we have a commitment to a workplace wellbeing programme from management and staff members?
- Do we have a health and wellbeing leader to drive the programme forward?
- Have we established a person (or committee) responsible for the coordination and administration?
- Have we communicated the programme details and direction to staff members and sought their input?
- Do we have an ongoing communication process that invites feedback and encourages participation?
- Have we found out what the health and wellbeing issues are for our staff members?
- Have we assessed the workplace environment (infrastructure, policies, and procedures) prior to the programme implementation?
- Have we established programme benchmarks to allow for ongoing measurement of progress and improvement?
Step 2 – A health and wellbeing policy
At this point, you might consider a health and wellbeing policy containing:
- A documented declaration of the organisation’s commitment to health and wellbeing.
- Clearly defined programme objectives that are both realistic and easily measured.
- An outline of the various responsibilities for key groups, such as management, organising committee, workers and external providers.