Year compass
A goal without a plan is just a wish. ―Antonie de Saint-Exupéry
👥 Serves: 1 person, 11-25 people, 2-10 people
🎚 Difficulty: Medium
⏳ Total time: 121-240 minutes, Half a day
🥣 Ingredients: Year Compass booklets (1 per participant), pens (1 per participant), honesty, openness
🤓 Wholebeing Domains: Accomplishments, Positive Emotion, Ritualising
💪 Wholebeing Skills: Aligning with the cycles, Assertiveness, Celebration, Commitment, Flourishing, Goal-setting, Gratitude, Intention-setting, Planning, Ritualising

Year compass
📝 Description
A set of questions to help you reflect on your past year and plan for the year ahead.
The Year Compass is a booklet that helps you look back at your past year and plan for the year ahead. Taking the time to reflect on your past year raises your awareness of your successes and sorrows, and it makes you realise how much can happen in just a year. It is astonishing how quickly we forget what has happened to us. Moreover, by learning from the past, you can plan your future by setting clear intentions and goals so that you do not repeat the same patterns, and you feel more in control of your own work and life.
The Year Compass can be explored alone or in a group. If alone, please allow at least 4.5 hours of uninterrupted time (3 hours to look back and 1.5 hours to plan ahead). If in a group, please gather a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 20 people and dedicate at least 4.5 hours of creative time. And if you cannot spare that much time, why not try our easier and quicker end-of-year reflection recipe?
The Year Compass has been realised by the volunteers of YearCompass and Invisible University International. We invite you to check out their work and support them at https://www.patreon.com/yearcompass.
👣 Steps
Step 1 – Go through your calendar (15’)
Go through the past year’s calendar week by week. If you see an important event, gathering with friends or family, or a significant task, write it down here.
Step 2 – This is what my past year was about (30’)
What aspect was the most important to you in the following areas during last year? Which happenings or events were the most significant? Summarise briefly.
- Personal life and family
- Work, studies, profession
- Belongings (home, objects)
- Relaxation, hobbies, creativity
- Friends, community
- Health, fitness
- Intellectual
- Emotional, spiritual
- Finances
- Bucket list
Step 3 – Six sentences about my past year (15’)
- The wisest decision I made…
- The biggest lesson I learned…
- The biggest risk I took…
- The biggest surprise of the year…
- The most important thing I did for others…
- The biggest thing I completed…
Step 4 – Six questions about my past year (15’)
- What are you most proud of?
- Who are the three people who influenced you the most?
- Who are the three people you influenced the most?
- What were you not able to accomplish?
- What is the best thing you have discovered about yourself?
- What are you most grateful for?
Step 5 – The best moments (15’)
Describe the greatest and most memorable, joyful moments from last year. Draw them on this sheet. How did you feel? Who was there with you? What were you doing? What kind of smells, sounds, or tastes do you remember?
Step 6 – Three of my biggest accomplishments (15’)
- List your three greatest accomplishments from last year.
- What did you do to achieve these?
- Who helped you achieve these successes? How?
Step 7 – Three of my biggest challenges (15’)
- List your three biggest challenges from last year here.
- Who or what helped you overcome these challenges?
- What have you learned about yourself by overcoming these challenges?
Step 8 – Forgiveness (15’)
Did anything happen during the past year that still needs to be forgiven? Deeds or words that made you feel bad? Or are you angry with yourself? Write it down here. Do yourself good by forgiving.
Step 9 – Let go (15’)
Is there anything else you need to say? Is there anything you have to let go of before you can start your next year? Draw or write, then think about it and let it all go.
Step 10 – Summary of last year (15’)
- The past year in three words: Choose three words to define your past year.
- The book of my past year: Someone has made a book about your past year. Write down its title.
- Goodbye to your last year: If there is anything else left that you would like to write down, or there is anybody you would like to say goodbye to, do it now.
Step 11 – Dare to dream big (15’)
What does the year ahead of you look like? Why will it be great? What would happen in an ideal world? Write, draw, let go of your expectations and dare to dream.
Step 12 – This is what my next year will be about (15’)
Define the most important aspects of next year in the following areas. Which events will be the most important? Summarise briefly.
- Personal life and family
- Work, studies, profession
- Belongings (home, objects)
- Relaxation, hobbies, creativity
- Friends, community
- Health, fitness
- Intellectual
- Emotional, spiritual
- Finances
- Bucket list
Step 13 – Magical triplets for the year ahead (30’)
- I will love these three things about myself.
- I am ready to let go of these three things.
- I want to achieve these three things the most.
- These three people will be my pillars during rough times.
- I will dare to discover these three things.
- I will have the power to say no to these three things.
- I will make my surroundings cozy with these three things.
- I will do these three things every morning.
- I will pamper myself with these three things regularly.
- I will visit these three places.
- I will connect with my loved ones in these three ways.
- I will reward my successes with these three presents.
Step 14 – Six sentences about my next year (15’)
- This year I will not procrastinate any more over…
- This year I will draw the most energy from…
- This year, I will be bravest when…
- This year I will say yes when…
- This year I advise myself to…
- This year will be special for me because…
Step 15 – Summary of next year (15’)
- My word for the next year ahead: Pick a word to symbolise and define the year ahead. You can look at this word if you need some extra energy, so you remember not to give up your dreams.
- Secret wish: Unleash your mind. What is your secret wish for the next year?